
School Life 


The Curriculum

When your children enroll at LCES they will receive an excellent education rooted in the Word of God. The Vision Statement of LCES states that we are “To educate children, equipping them for a life of faithful, Christian discipleship.” Our Mission Statement goes on to explain that “Through the curriculum, teachers encourage students to explore creation, to reflect on its wonder and brokenness, and to make responsible choices with the gifts God has given them.” God’s creation is waiting to be discovered by His children and our children’s gifts are waiting to be unwrapped in His service.

Our curriculum aims to create Christ-centered skill development of Ministry of Education curriculum. New concepts and ideas build on a Christian worldview and perspective. Each teacher plays a role to ensure that happens, and each student plays a vital role in the success of those goals.

School life consists of more than just academics though; we also have an active extracurricular and sports program. Students have the opportunity to participate in many fun, enjoyable and educational activities throughout the school year.

Areas of Study

So, what is Christian about our school's curriculum? Here are some of the main areas of the curriculum and how they are unique to a Christian school.

  • Language Studies

    Language is a gift from God and it is how God communicates with us. We use language to communicate to others and to respond to God. Learning how to use language is the foundation for learning all other areas of the curriculum. At LCES students are taught structure of language, both in English and in French (Grades 1 through 8). They are taught to listen thoughtfully, speak articulately, read with a critical eye, and use their imaginations to write creatively.

  • Math

    Math is more than a series of random numbers. Did numerical order just happen, or did our Creator intend order to be present in all of creation? When students study mathematics, they not only learn mathematical functions at the appropriate grade levels, they also discover how God created order in the universe.

  • Physical Education

    We serve God by using our bodies, and so we ensure a certain fitness level to carry out our service. All students have formal Physical Education classes twice per week, and students have the option of participating in intramural activities during school recesses. We also have a vibrant inter-school sports program which has our students participating in teams sports with other area schools. We encourage all our students to be physically active every day, both in school and at home.

  • Health

    Students become aware of how their bodies function and how to take good care of them. Age and grade appropriate lessons explain how God created us to interact with each other in Christ-like ways. Every grade participates in an anti-bullying curriculum, and each grade has weekly class meetings to discuss how students are interacting both in class and during recesses. God’s plan for living life in a healthy, faithful way is a key theme.

  • History

    God’s people have a story and we are part of that story today. As students unfold the facts of history, they discover that God has been in this world forever. How did we get here, and what role do we as Christians have today? How can we as Christians make a difference? These are questions that students consider and experience as they study history.

  • Fine Arts

    As God’s children, we have been made in the image of our creator. At LCES, students are given an opportunity to explore and develop their artistic capacity as they create. The creation and appreciation of visual art is a key component. Through regular music classes they learn more than the structure of music; they are given the opportunity to sing (JK – Gr.5) and play instruments (Gr. 6-8). Our bands and choirs perform at public functions such as the Christmas program and an annual Night of Music in the spring

  • Bible

    Not only are biblical principles woven through all curriculum areas, but Bible is taught at LCES as a separate subject. In younger grades, students become better acquainted with God’s Word through Bible stories as part of their daily classroom learning. Students continue to study the Bible as a core subject in older grades as they examine how all of life fits into a Christian worldview.

  • Technology

    Staff and students at LCES have a wide variety of technology available to them as possible tools for learning. Where valuable, in purposeful ways the use of projectors, computers, tablets, and on-line learning tools are used to prepare our students well. Digital literacy and skill competency are key goals for our upper elementary students as we prepare them to live with discernment and wisdom.

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Have your child experience the excitement of education, the wonder of learning, and the difference that London Christian Elementary School offers! To learn more about all that our Kindergarten program offers, download our booklet below. 

For more information and next steps, you are invited to connect with the principal by phone (519-455-0360) or e-mail at principal@londonchristian.ca. We'd love to meet you, show you around LCES, and allow time to explore the Kindergarten program in action.


The beginning years in school are full of excitement and a love for learning. Our primary program consists of kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3.

Following The Kindergarten Program from the Ontario Ministry of Education, children who enter kindergarten in September at four years old are referred to as our K1 students, while students who are five years old at September entry are K2 students. Our kindergarten classroom community is a mix of K1 and K2 students as well as an OCT (Ontario Certified Teacher) and a DECE (Designated Early Childhood Educator). The pairing of a teacher and DECE allows the classroom to be a place where children can direct the learning process in a developmentally appropriate atmosphere. The educator team works collaboratively to create a caring, play-based learning environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development for four and five year old children. 

primary level

At the primary level, larger blocks of learning are used for interdisciplinary themes or significant topics related to social studies or science. Structuring the day in this way enhances the possibility of meaningful investigation and experience of what it means to live as a Christian in society. Other curriculum areas, such as language arts and mathematics, are then integrated into these theme-based units. Learning is done primarily through teacher instruction and learning centres. It is largely language based as letters, sounds and words become the focus. 

Homework is minimal in the primary grades. It often consists of reading together at home, practicing "Word Wall words" (spelling words), and learning memory work (important Bible verses) throughout the week. 

Class meetings begin in the primary years. Class meetings are a time to share information with students, to make classroom decisions together or to solve problems within the class. Class meetings provide students with the opportunity to participate in a group exchange of ideas in a respectful, caring atmosphere. During the primary years, class meetings are held informally when the need arises. 

Throughout the primary years, parents and teachers work together to instill a love for learning, build a child's confidence and create work habits that will last throughout their school years. 

The spiritual nurture and development of students is integrated throughout the primary child's learning. Staff and parents work to help students see that God is the source of truth and His Word stands forever. Students begin to see God's story, the Master Story, as the ultimate story, a story in which they can play a leading role. Their child-like faith is nurtured, molded and encouraged. We pray and work toward our student's growth in faith through the learning process.

Junior Classrooms

As a child moves through Grades 4-6, what is learned in the primary years is expanded upon. Through the junior grades, students grow in their thinking skills, social relationships and levels of independence. They learn how to problem solve; they think for themselves, making decisions because it was the best choice, not because an adult made the decision for them. They see how their gifts complement those of their peers and how their talents can benefit their classroom community. 

Grades 4-6 students also participate as a "reading buddy", pairing up with younger school-mates and reading together once a week (up to this point, someone else was reading to them). They start to see themselves as older and wiser and enjoy taking on greater responsibilities. Learning is done through projects, literature circles, book reports, or researching. 

Homework is an integral part of school as students get older. It may now consist of math homework, learning French words and phrases, book reports, project research, in addition to reading logs and spelling lists. Homework may now be nightly, rather than weekly, and can include work not finished in class. 

As in the primary years, class meetings continue to take place. Class meetings are a time to share information with students, to make classroom decisions together or to solve problems within the class. Class meetings provide students with the opportunity to participate in a group exchange of ideas in a respectful, caring atmosphere. Rather than be informal (held when the need arises), class meetings are regularly scheduled and use a more structured method. 

 As with the primary grades, teachers and parents continue to work together, communicating regularly and supporting each other's decisions. They continue to promote a positive attitude and a joy for learning new things. 

Throughout both the primary and junior years, spiritual development continues to be the goal. Integrating faith and learning is key. One focus is learning that "God Gave Me My Story." Seeing themselves as characters in His amazing story is foundational to growing spiritually. This focus continues throughout their elementary education. We help students to understand their role in the school, in the London community, in their churches, in the global world and in God's amazing plan for their lives. We pray and work toward our students' growth in faith through the learning process.

Intermediate Classrooms

Moving into the middle school years, students in Grades 7-8 learn, grow and develop into unique individuals. They naturally are drawn to their areas of expertise, whether academic, physical, or social; through it all, the integration of their spiritual growth remains the focus. The middle school years are very social years. Relationships with peers and staff, as well as their social standing, are not only important, but play a significant role in their daily learning and attitudes. The goal of staff then becomes one of leading students through these relationships and providing the opportunities to make God-honouring decisions. 

Each grade has a main teacher; that teacher is with them for the majority of the day. This teacher often guides learning for a longer block each day. Students' interests have broadened significantly from the early elementary grades. Interdisciplinary topics relevant to their lives maintain their interest. These units capitalize on the students' increased awareness of what is happening in society and on their need to take on additional responsibilities. 

Preparation for high school becomes a larger focus throughout these years. At the intermediate level, more specialization occurs. A rotary schedule is used in which teachers with areas of specialty may teach in other classrooms. As teachers share their passion for a specific subject area, students' learning is increased. 

Homework continues on a nightly basis, now also including practicing their band instrument. Students may be involved with projects, experiments, book reports and/or assignments at any time. Students continue to learn essential time management skills. If a parent has concerns about their child's amount of homework, they are welcome to speak with the classroom teacher. 

Class meetings are a weekly occurrence in the intermediate grades. Class meetings are a time to share information with students, to make classroom decisions together or to solve problems within the class. Class meetings provide students with the opportunity to participate in a group exchange of ideas in a respectful, caring atmosphere. During these years, they are even more important as they improve and enhance the classroom atmosphere. 

Teachers and parents continue to work together, communicating regularly and supporting each other's decisions. Now though, as students move through the middle school years, students play a much more active role in their education. Together, parents, students and teachers work as a team, all for the goal of a positive learning experience. 

The task during these years, as in the primary and junior years, is to help students uncover God's truth that already exists in creation. It is not just integrating our faith with our learning; it is uncovering His truth for our lives. Students are guided to understand the Master Story, the Big Story of God's "I Love You Plan", delivered through His son Jesus Christ, and how we are to understand truth in creation. We pray and work toward our student's growth in faith through the learning process.



We're proud to have Laura Dearing, our music teacher, on staff at LCES. She teaches music to all students from kindergarten to grade eight.

Our Music Program

We are thrilled to offer a music program to every student at LCES. We teach students the fundamentals of music, but most importantly, we teach students to use their musical gifts and abilities to glorify God. His Word tells us to "sing praise to him" (Psalm 105) and worship him with instruments (Psalm 150). Whether we are using our voices or manmade instruments, we do it all for the glory of God.


In K - 5, we focus on beat, rhythm, melody, music appreciation, music writing, and vocal technique using the award-winning Musicplay curriculum for elementary schools. In addition to this, students in grades four and five have the opportunity to learn the recorder and ukulele.

Students in 6 - 8 continue building on the skills learned in earlier grades through participation in a concert band program.


Students at LCES have the opportunity to share their musical gifts several times a year at different community events such as the Christmas Program, Spring Concert, Grandparents Day, and our annual variety show, “LC’s Got Talent.”

Private Lessons

LCES partners with several private teachers to offer piano and guitar lessons during the school day for an additional cost. Lessons are arranged between the parents and private teachers. For more information, please contact the school office (info@londonchristian.ca).



One of the main goals of London Christian Elementary School is to encourage students to serve in God's kingdom out of a love for God, their neighbours, themselves and God's world. We aim to foster a community of caring which is reflected in all aspects of the school environment. This care will reflect respect for God, His creation and the school community and will model and provide opportunities for students to practice what it means to live as followers of God. We also strive for this in the sports program.

To expose as many students as possible to character and community building through sports participation, a signup process will be used to form teams. Aiming to avoid situations of exclusion and isolation, we focus on open access, shared learning, skill development and team building for the enjoyment of all students.

As an elementary school, we do not see it as our role to only select students with certain aptitudes, specializing in a certain sport or a specific position within that sport. Rather, we seek to give students the opportunity to learn and to play all the sports available through the sports program. As such, all grade eight students will be invited to participate in team sports offered at LCES. It is hoped that this will provide an enjoyable sports experience and encourage the individual skills and team play. It is important that students learn to handle winning and losing appropriately. Given these opportunities within a structured school environment allows for valuable learning experiences. The aim is to give all students experience in developing skills, playing as a team, and to develop and use their athletic gifts to the best of their potential. Occasions will be provided for students to enjoy sports and to glorify God through a variety of athletic activities.

  • Sports Seasons

    • Soccer - September, October
    • Cross-Country - September, October
    • Volleyball - October, November, December
    • Senior Basketball - January, February
    • Junior Basketball - March, April
    • Badminton - April, May
    • Track and Field - May, June



While not extra-curricular, FlexBlock is a weekly class period that runs from January to March to provide students with opportunities to extend their learning and develop their unique gifts and talents within our normal schedule. Each week students spend a 100-minute class period participating

in a variety of learning experiences led by LCES staff as well as community volunteers and experts. Last year we offered cooking, drama, props and costumes, karate, tap dancing, and the babysitting course.

Leaders in Training

Grade 7 and 8 students are invited to participate at "Leaders in Training" (LITs). This is a unique opportunity for students who are interested in extra curricular activities and would like to develop their leadership abilities. It seeks to provide students with an opportunity to serve the student body, to use their "voice", to develop leadership abilities, to build community, and to be a positive role models for discipleship in and outside of school.

  • Components

    • School spirit – providing opportunities for the student population
    • School service – serving the LCES school building and community
    • Leadership development – building leaderships skills
    • Community service – partnering with a local organization, blessing/thanking our community leaders
  • "Leader in Training” responsibilities

    • Be a good representative of LCES
    • Participate and guide each Student Council sponsored activity
    • Serve as a positive role model to students
    • Attend meetings regularly
    • Contribute to discussions relevant to our goals
    • Represent the LCES student community when communicating needs
    • Promote school spirit among students
    • Do an equitable share of work on events and projects
    • Encourage participation from students
    • Provide leadership by directing and coordinating school activities 

Service Projects

Through service projects, London Christian Elementary School students learn the joy of sharing and the responsibility we all have to help those in need. We try to minister to others in various ways such as singing in nursing homes, collecting food for the foodbank, filling Christmas boxes for children in need, and collecting mittens for the those in our own community. We are open to service opportunities which teach our students to serve God with their heart, soul and hands.

Each year we pick an organization to partner with to raise awareness and support for various needs all around our world. Through these opportunities, the students and parent community have put their faith into action in amazing ways!

  • Goals in our Student Service Projects

    We have two major goals in our Student Service Projects:

    • In a world of me-centric culture, model for our students that it really isn't first about us, but rather God, others, then self is how we should live our life. 
    • To encourage children to recognize that not everyone locally or internationally lives like they do, and that blessing others is part of the way we serve God. 
  • Here are a few of the projects we have participated in:

    • Compassion Canada
    • London Area Food Bank
    • Rotholme Women's Shelter
    • Ark Aid
    • London Mission Services
    • Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
    • Cheshire Homes
    • Teen Challenge Farm
    • Athletes in Action
    • Women's Community House
    • Worldwide Christian Schools
    • IN Network
    • Free the Children & Me to We
    • The Water Project


At London Christian Elementary School we are very privileged to offer busing service to families. London Christian Joint Transportation Service is a partnership between London Christian Elementary and London Christian High School to offer safe, timely, and cost-effective transportation to everyone

living in the city of London and surrounding areas. Buses, drivers, and routes are managed and provided by Elgie Bus Lines in partnership with LCES and LCH.

Option Annual Cost Notes
Two way $2,881 To and from school every day
One way $1,900 Consistently to or from school every day

The Snoezelen room

The Snoezelen room is a therapeutic space with a variety of equipment to provide students with a space to calm and focus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others. The Snoezelen room incorporates a specialized selection of sensory equipment and materials in a quiet space dedicated to stimulating, developing, and relaxing the senses.

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