about us
Principal's Welcome
There are few things more important in life than our children’s welfare and their future.
Christian parents work, pray, deliberate, and consult experts to ensure that their children are given the very best chance to succeed in a world that seems increasingly challenging to understand. They wish to see their children respond to God as He has created them. They wish for their child to think, work, problem-solve, and prioritize in ways that reveal faithfulness to God’s Word. They wish for their sons and daughters to lead more than they are led, and to influence more than they are influenced as they follow a pathway of learning through God’s truth.
This is an immense task. Great news - you don’t have to do it alone! Picture your child before teachers who love the Lord, love children, and love to learn.
London Christian Elementary School aims to partner with churches and support families in this very significant task. At our school we dedicate ourselves to ensure that Christ is honoured every day, in class, in every aspect of the curriculum, and in all school activities. All of our lives, including the character of education, can recognize God’s authority.
"For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever!” Romans 11:36
The program of studies at LCES is conscious of the guidelines and standards set by the Ontario Ministry of Education and we parallel the Ontario curriculum. However, the program is distinct from the provincial guidelines in its orientation and outlook.
Please join with us in committing yourself regularly to pray for this school and its continued ministry - a school "built in faith and overflowing with thanksgiving."
I would be pleased to meet with you in person to show you our school "where faith meets life.” Contact me at principal@londonchristian.ca or call 519-455-0360.
Stephen Janssen
The staff at LCES are highly dedicated and energetic. All teachers are fully certified and qualified, as well as being committed Christians. We are grateful to the staff for their dedication to the profession and for their love of the students. All permanent LCES teachers have completed a teacher education program and are Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) and some also have a Christian School Teaching Certificate (CSTC).
Teaching Staff
Kindergarten A
Kindergarten A
Kindergarten A
Kindergarten B, Outdoor Education
Kindergarten B
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Support Staff
Student Services Director
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Office Administrator
Financial Administrator
Community Engagement and Fundraising Coordinator
Inspiring minds and engaging hearts to transform God's world
Our Christian School exists to enable children to respond to God in all aspects of the way they bear God’s image. Our school invites students to explore, create, reconcile, worship, and proclaim God’s truth in all parts of their world. In an educational environment specifically designed to express this image-bearing nature of God’s children, students are encouraged to explore more deeply, love more fully, and engage in lives of service and care for God’s people and world.
Learning and community building happen at LCES in brave recognition of the sinful world around us
and in bold confidence that it is fully redeemed. Students and staff are safe to learn within the assurance of God’s abundant grace as they engage culture within and outside of the walls of our school, recognizing patterns of faithfulness and disobedience in all things as they do so.
Christ-centred School: We are guided by God’s word as we cultivate deep relationships with Jesus
Christ is central to all we do at LCES. We look at every aspect of learning through the lens of Jesus as we teach. This approach to education forms lifelong habits of faith and learning.
Curious Learners: We grow through wonder and exploration
We see the beauty that declares the glory of our God. We explore and use our curiosity to craft probing questions to learn deeply about God’s world and word.
Compassionate Community: We build one another up as the body of Christ through collaboration, prayer, and worship
Rooted in Christ, we learn, worship and pray together, intentionally building a community that leads with grace. We recognize the unique needs and gifts of each member of the community and work together to support and develop their God-given purpose.
LCES will create vibrant and meaningful learning experiences that engage the whole child to live out their place in God’s story
All children at LCES will experience an engaging education that has purpose, value, and meets real needs. Meaningful education will happen because students develop a Christian worldview through memorable learning experiences where knowing, doing, and serving connect with each student’s passions, gifts, and God’s purpose for their life. Learning will be organized with this vision as the school seeks to prepare students for life using Ministry of Education learning goals.
God is the creator of all that exists. He sustains, rules, and actively upholds all that He has made.
Sin entered the world through our disobedience. God, because of his infinite love for us sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us and to die on the cross in order that all who believe in Him might live.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God; it is the story of God's relationship with his people and the world. Through Scripture we grow in our knowledge of God.
The Holy Spirit works in our hearts and minds that we might live joyful lives of praise to God.
Children are gifts from God and are loved, nourished, and respected as image bearers of God. Each child is a unique part of God's creation. All children have been given gifts and talents, which will be nurtured as they serve God and others.
The school is a community of learners brought together by the common love of Christ. His presence guides the life of the school.
Through the curriculum the majesty of God is revealed. Children are led to discover how wonderfully and intricately God created the world and how He cares for and sustains it.
Curriculum is integrated with our faith in Christ. It is both challenging and demanding, and meets the needs of students at their various levels of ability.
Teachers and staff are dedicated and qualified professionals, believers in Christ, and are committed to providing a caring and challenging environment for learning.
Supporters of LCES are believers in Christ, interdenominational in background, and are committed to Christian education.
The school, the church, and the home form a vital partnership in the development of a child's life.
Members support the school through prayer, financial support, and participation in the life of the school.
The world belongs to God. In spite of sin it remains a place filled with wonder, and constantly reflects God's amazing grace.
Christians have a responsibility to become fully engaged in this world, using their talents to unfold, to explore, and to discover all that God has made.
As ambassadors for Christ we are to hold Him as a light in this world, to love and to serve Him, and to give God the glory.
Our goal is to work with parents to encourage their children to be faithful Christian disciples. We do this by assisting students in developing:
On the foundation of God's infallible Word, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, as explicated in the ecumenical creeds and the confessions of the Reformed tradition, we affirm the following summary of the mission of the Christian school.
The Christian school, as an, enterprise of the entire community, enables and equips all of its children to serve the Lord, to love their fellow human beings, and to care for God's creation. The school community provides an environment of love and care within which students are nurtured. As an indispensable partner with the home and the church, the Christian school leads children to live according to biblical wisdom.
Staff members of the Christian school, living in joyful fellowship with God, model the love of Christ to children. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism, Christian teachers view their work as a vocation. The calling of a Christian school teacher is to pass on the wisdom of the Christian tradition to students and to help them understand and apply the transforming power of the gospel to contemporary society and culture.
Children are God's image bearers, entrusted to parents and the Christian community as His gifts. The Christian school encourages students to develop their gifts in response to God and in loving service to fellow human beings. Students are led to know God and to respond to Him in every dimension of the creation and in every aspect of their lives.
The Christian school curriculum is developed and organized so that children may come to know God more deeply and richly and live for Him more faithfully. Since human experience in all its rich variety is a good gift from the Creator who remains involved in his world, the Christian school curriculum explores all dimensions of creation. God's design for the creation and His will for human society and culture must be understood and obeyed. This is the way of godly wisdom. Students are taught to recognize the brokenness that sin brings to God's carefully designed world and are challenged to bring the healing power of Jesus Christ to a fallen world.
LCES is affiliated with the Edvance Christian Schools Association, a Christian school service organization based in Burlington, Ontario. This organization represents over 70 schools (55 elementary, 15 secondary) with 700 teachers and 10,000 students throughout the province.
Edvance is part of Christian Schools Canada (CSC). Christian Schools Canada has headquarters in Winnipeg, Manitoba and consists of 3 districts throughout Canada. The CSC is in turn part of the larger body of Christian schools around the world, known as Christian Schools International, or CSI.
LCES has a working relationship with London Christian High.
LCES is also a part of the Christian School Foundation which manages an endowment fund for our school. The purpose of the Foundation is to help ensure Christian education for future generations. The Foundation is a far-sighted solution to the problems of rising costs and rising tuition fees. For more information, you can contact office@christianschoolfoundation.ca
London Christian is committed to providing services to our students, parents, guardians, the public, and our staff that are free of barriers and biases. For more on this, please review our Accessibility for those with Disabilities policy.
At this time there are NO disruptions in our customer service.
In order to monitor the effectiveness of providing accessible customer service, LCES will encourage feedback.
LCES Principal
202 Clarke Road
London, ON N5W 5E4
Telephone: 519-455-0360
Email: principal@londonchristian.ca
In Person:
LCES Principal
Contact us
Phone: 519.455.0360
Email: info@londonchristian.ca
London Christian Elementary School
202 Clarke Road, London,
Ontario, N5W 5E4
about us
School life
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