


Family Application Process

London Christian Elementary School accepts requests for enrollment at any time during the year, for all levels, Kindergarten through Grade 8. We seek to have a user friendly enrollment process that allows parents to be well informed about what our schools offers. 

Step 1

Schedule a tour. After receiving your request, the Principal will be in contact with you to arrange a time to meet to discuss the educational needs of your family, and introduce you to staff, students, and our building. This is a great place to have your crucial first questions answered. 

Step 2

Review the information booklet you receive to ensure you fully understand the purpose, mission, and vision of LCES, and understand the Christian education your child will be receiving. 

Step 3

Complete the online family application using the link which will be emailed from our school office. This includes fully sharing with us what we need to know about your child to ensure that they would flourish in our school, if accepted for enrollment. 

Step 4

School leadership will review your application and confirm whether or not the school is able to support your family as requested. If approved, the deposit holds your spot. 

Step 5

When available (typically after May 1st), financial details will be shared with you in a one-page summary form that becomes a contract between you and the school. A completed form with supporting payment details secures final confirmation of enrollment and is required before the child(ren) begin their first day of classes. Due date: The first Monday in June for the following school year, or, if applying within the school year, before first of classes. 

Don't delay

Secure your spot for your child today!

Contact us Today


An expense is something that, over time, decreases in value. An investment, however, increases in value, and Christian education is certainly an investment. It will pay dividends, not only during your lifetime through your children, but through the principles and values that they in turn will teach their children.

Each family's tuition will be unique dependent on age and number of children. There are also family-specific details related to tax receiptable portions of tuition that affect the impact to your family budget. Contact us so we can help you understand how your situation would work.

2024-25 Tuition

Tuition is 11 monthly payments, starting in August 2024.

Grade Monthly Fee Per Family
Full time (1 child) $1,386
Full time (2 or more children) $1,554

*the above rate is based on an 11-month payment schedule

The Bursary Fund

The Bursary Fund was established to connect families seeking Christian education for their children at LCES with financial aid. Families who have legitimate financial need are eligible for assistance. The level of support available is dependent on the funds available for that year. Bursary support is considered each year and not guaranteed year-to-year.

Most recently, the average financial assistance granted has ranged from 25-35% of total tuition, and the application process requires proof of financial status.

  • Bursary Fund process for new families not currently enrolled at LCES:

    • 1. Contact the principal (principal@londonchristian.ca or 519-455-0360) to learn about our school, visit and take a tour of our facilities, and share the details about your child(ren) that you are considering enrolling.

    • 2. Decide that our school option is match for you and your family. Apply to the school using the application directly provided for your in step #1.

    • 3. During this process, confirm your request for consideration of bursary assistance. You will be given a link to complete the basic information gathering through the FAST application system. This information is confidential to the Bursary Fund Committee, who oversees the distribution of assistance. They will contact you directly for any additional information necessary.
  • Bursary Fund process for returning families:

    1. E-mail our tuition administrator (bookkeeper@londonchristian.ca) who will get you started with a link to a web-based application.

Bursary Fund Application Timing

Alongside the LCES Bursary Fund, certain families may be eligible for additional financial assistance from the Christian School Foundation. To adequately consider all requests for assistance, and meet the various Bursary Fund deadlines, applications should be completed and sent to us as soon as possible. Bursary Fund decisions [from all sources] are dependent upon available funds, and award decisions for eligible families are made as quickly as possible.

Contact us Today


LCES Student Admission Policy
Any child may be admitted as a student to London Christian Elementary School, if it is evident that the parent(s) or guardian(s) have/has a sincere desire to educate such a child in keeping with the purpose of the Society, as indicated in the school's Constitution, and the vision and mission of the school. The London Christian Elementary School exists to educate children of parents who are sincere, active and committed Christians.

Enrollment in the school is open to children of Christian parents and/or guardians who are members of the Society, subject to the conditions specified therein. No child shall be excluded from admissions on grounds of race, colour, ethnicity, gender, or national origin.

The enrollment of the children of non-member parents and/or guardians shall be subject to the approval of the Board of the Society in accordance with the accepted conditions and procedures set forth herein.

(LCES Admissions Policy April 2005)

  • Steps to Enrollment:

    1. The parents or guardians must submit an online entrance application for LCES, providing all necessary information, including a copy of the student's birth certificate or passport. See the International Student Enrollment Form. If applying for enrollment for more than one child, individual enrollment documents must be submitted for each child.
    2. The family must provide confirmation of their active Christian faith by filling in and signing the form provided. See the form Statement of Christian Faith. The Christian home is an integral part of Christian education. Therefore, students who are living apart from their parents may be admitted if they are provided with a home offering positive Christian nurture. Parents and guardians must sign a statement to this end. See the form Statement of Christian Nurture.
    3. The student's family must provide medical information attesting to the health of the student. See the Medical Information form.
    4. The $500 Administration Fee must be included with the Enrolment Form and is non-refundable. See the Tuition Fees form.
    5. After receipt of all required information, the LCES Board will make a decision with regard to acceptance at the school. Upon acceptance to LCES, a letter of admission will be sent.
    6. The family is responsible for applying for passports and visas, and must provide the school with copies of these documents.

Stay Connected,

become a Member today!

We strongly encourage supporters of LCES to become members as this is the best way to stay informed and give ongoing support for staff, students and the school community. Being a member of the school society establishes a place in the community and demonstrates your commitment to Christian education in a tangible way.

Present and past parents, grandparents, graduates, and supporters of the school may become members of the LCES society for $100 per person.

  • Membership allows you to:

    • Stay Informed & Connected - Looking to catch a glimpse of a grandchild or just to catch up on the latest events? A quarterly newsletter is sent to all members keeping them connected and aware of God’s ongoing blessings to our school.
    • Help Shape our Future - You will  have the opportunity to vote at membership meetings (proxy voting an option as well) on the operation of the school. This includes having a vote at the annual spring membership when the budget is presented. 
    • Serve in a Leadership Position - Members have the opportunity to serve on the school’s Board of Directors
Begin Membership Application

International Students

LCES is a Christian school in London, Ontario, Canada. The school provides an excellent Christian education to students from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. All classes are taught from a Christian perspective in which children learn to love God and His world. For several years now we have been blessed by having families from around the world attend this school. We are pleased that you are considering Christian education for your child.

By enrolling students from a variety of cultures and countries, we believe we will enrich the LCES community and develop a global awareness for all our students, which celebrates the diversity of God's world. Children from around the world are invited to enroll at LCES.

2024-25 International TUITION

One child Two children
Tuition $15,243.50 $17,090.50
Administration Fee (non-refundable) $500 $500
ESL $950 $1,900
Transportation (if needed) $ 2,881 $2,881
Total $19,574.50 $22,371.50
  • Please Note:

    • ESL (English as a Second Language) fee will be pro-rated if a student no longer needs this support. The school will test the student for their level of English proficiency.
    • The transportation fee is listed above; however, please check with the school before moving to ensure transportation is available in your area.
    • Medical Insurance is available per student (if needed) for a fee. You must provide proof of medical insurance if you do not purchase insurance through the school.
  • Steps for International Student Enrollment

    1. The entrance application Google form must be completed and submitted. The $500.00 Administration fee is due at this time. This fee is non-refundable and will assure you a space at London Christian Elementary School.
    2. The total of the first and last month's tuition is due before classes begin. 
    3. Payment may be made by cheque, wire transfer, or e-transfer. 

let's talk

May God bless you as you consider your decision about Christian education! If we can be of further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at the school.

Stephen Janssen, Principal

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